2022 Summer Patreon Drive
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Support Ruckus today during our Summer Patreon Member Drive! For the month of July, all new and upgrading Patreon members at the $3/month level or higher will receive a limited run risograph print by artist Hannah Smith, in addition to our standard merchandise tier rewards. Subscribers who sign up this month at any level will help us reach our goal of doubling Ruckus’ current membership. Membership support, along with all of our donors and sponsors, keeps Ruckus freely available to the public, funds new pilot projects and experimental coverage, and helps to cover basic operation costs that keep our lights on. Any size contribution makes a difference, because bigger community buy-in puts us ahead in securing larger regional and national grants to fund our unique programming.
Help us show that our readers care! If you or someone you know benefits from our high quality, regionally-focused art journalism, please consider signing up as a monthly member today. More information can be found at our Support Us page or on our Patreon.
During our Summer Patreon Member Drive we’d also like to thank our current community sponsors, Wheelhouse Art and KMAC Museum, our 2021-2022 programming funders Great Meadows Foundation, Fund for the Arts’s ArtsMatch, and TAUNT, as well as our technical supporter Louisville Visual Art. If you or your organization is interested in becoming a named sponsor of Ruckus, please contact us at info@ruckusjournal.org